Brittany Stockwell

Brittany Stockwell

Brittany Stockwell


Brittany Stockwell currently plays fiddle for Nash Next finalist and first round Grammy-nominated artist, Ashley Jordan. Always possessing an inclination for the arts, Brittany began taking private violin lessons at just four years old. She worked diligently and quickly became an advanced performing violinist by age fourteen. At fifteen, she picked up the viola, which she mastered before graduating high school less than three years later.

Brittany has participated in the Central Massachusetts Junior and Senior District Orchestras and in the Massachusetts All-State Orchestras. She has performed both at Mechanics Hall in Worcester, as well as Symphony Hall in Boston. Even more impressively, Brittany was also a member of the Whitinsville Christian School Chamber Orchestra, which participated in tours through Louisiana, Mississippi, and the Dominican Republic.

In addition to performing, Brittany has also been teaching and tutoring private music students for over ten years. She currently teaches violin and viola in the Boston and Worcester areas. She offers private and group music lessons at Eccentric Musician Company in North Oxford and Keith’s Music House in Boylston.

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